Culinary LifestyleHow To's

How Long Does Brie Last – Preventing Brie from Spoiling

Brie is a soft cheese that has a relatively short shelf life, typically lasting anywhere from one to two weeks when stored properly in the fridge. As an avid cheese enthusiast, I have found that the actual time Brie will last can depend on a variety of factors, including how fresh it was when I purchased it and the conditions in which it has been kept.

How Long Does Brie Last

Brie needs to be kept refrigerated, ideally in the cheese drawer or coldest part of the fridge, at a temperature of 40 °F (4 °C) or below. In my experience, Brie left out on the counter or stored at too warm of a temperature will spoil faster. I aim to consume Brie within a couple of days of opening the package to enjoy it at optimal freshness. On the rare occasions I have accidentally left it longer, I have noticed the quality declining and the smell becoming stronger.

Does Brie Cheese go bad?

As dairy products, brie cheese has a somewhat limited lifespan before it will spoil if not stored properly. Being a soft cheese, it is particularly susceptible to spoilage given its high moisture content. From my experience caring for cheeses in my fridge, if kept under the wrong conditions, brie can quickly grow mold and develop an off-putting odor and sour taste. However, with the correct practices, it is very possible to prevent brie from going bad before its time. I always make sure to wrap my brie tightly in parchment paper or foil, so no air can enter and cause drying or mold growth. I also refer to the label for the date purchased and note when it was first opened to accurately track its shelf life. Adhering to proper handling and storage guidelines has ensured brie remains edible for its intended duration in my home.

How To Store Brie Cheese

  1. Refrigerate for best results – Storing Brie at room temperature isn’t ideal, as the cheese will harden and lose its creamy texture – For optimal conditions, keep Brie in the refrigerator.
  2. Maintain original packaging – Leaving Brie in its original packaging helps protect it from air and contaminants. If repackaging, use an airtight container.
  3. Wrap tightly – I like to wrap sliced or cut Brie tightly in parchment paper or plastic wrap to prevent drying out.
  4. Separate from strong smells – It’s best to store Brie away from strong-smelling foods in the fridge to avoid picking up odors.
  5. Note expiration date – The printed date on the label notes when the Brie was purchased to help keep track of its usable lifespan. Pay attention to this date for maximum freshness.

How Long Does Brie Last After Opening?

Brie cheese is absolutely delicious and versatile but does have a relatively short shelf life after opening. When stored properly in the refrigerator, an opened wheel of brie can typically last about 1–2 weeks while maintaining optimal flavor and texture. My advice would be to consume the brie within 5–7 days once the packaging has been breached. However, if you need it to last a longer period of time without compromising quality, consider wrapping it well and storing in an airtight container before freezing to better preserve the flavor and creamy texture. Freezing sliced or cut portions is also advisable if full consumption isn’t planned within the standard 1-2 week window. With some extra care taken in storage and handling, homemade brie can absolutely be enjoyed in multiple sittings over an extended duration.

How Long Does Brie Last After the Best Before Date?

A Suggestion: The length of time brie cheese lasts after the best before date can depend on a number of factors including how it has been stored, the temperature it has been kept at, and the overall freshness when purchased. With its relatively short shelf life, brie is best consumed within 1–2 weeks of opening, even when properly stored in the fridge. In my experience handling brie in my home kitchen, if kept under refrigeration between 38-40 °F (3-4 °C) an unopened wheel may remain free from spoilage for a few extra days past the date on the packaging before noticeable changes occur in quality, taste, or texture. As long as cold chain is maintained, the exact number of additional days can vary, but several more is certainly possible.

It’s important to keep in mind that the best before date is a suggestion and not a guarantee of freshness. Brie stored improperly or allowed to come into contact with bacteria or contaminants may spoil sooner based on those exposure risks. If visible signs of mold, off odor or a distinctly sour taste develop before the date, it’s best to err on the side of caution and discard the brie rather than consume it in doubt. Dates are intended as a guide only – use your senses of sight, smell, and taste to accurately gauge edibility past the given timeframe in each specific storage situation.

How to Tell if Brie Is Bad?

To check if Brie has gone bad, first start looking for obvious signs, such as dark discolored spots or mold. Some native green or blue colored molds are normal for certain varieties of soft cheese, so take a small slice or sample piece to judge the quality, texture, flavor, and smell. Look for a pleasantly creamy consistency throughout. If the texture seems altered or starts to smell off, it’s best to discard it.

Remember that Brie should continue to have a uniform soft, creamy texture the whole time you store it, typically two to three weeks past the date on the label if perfectly safe to eat. After this period, taste it – if it’s likely anywhere near what you would consider good enough to eat, cut your losses and throw it out. Remember – when in doubt, throw it out!

Can You Freeze Brie Cheese? 

While freezing Brie may cause some change in texture, it is technically possible to freeze it. From my experience experimenting in the kitchen, freezing brie followed by use in a cooked dish after defrosting can yield satisfactory results.

Freezing whole cuts or slices of brie for later enjoyment may result in some noticeable texture differences after thawing versus a fresh piece. The creamy conditions may not be perfectly maintained.

If planning to freeze brie for longer term storage, it’s best to follow these steps:

  • Thoroughly wrap chunks/slices of brie in plastic or parchment to protect from freezer burn.
  • Use an airtight freezer safe container to seal in the brie and keep unwanted air and odors away. This helps maintain quality.
  • Brie can typically last up to 6 months frozen, though taste and texture may slowly become affected the longer it’s stored in freezer conditions.

Freezing brie is possible but may cause some changes – your results may vary depending on intended use after thawing. It’s a suitable option for longer term storage when handled properly.

Thawing Frozen Brie

It’s best to thaw frozen brie in the refrigerator for optimal results. Whole cuts or wheels of brie will take several hours to ensure it’s soft throughout, with no icy bits left. As the brie slowly returns to its creamy texture, plan to use it within a day or two of thawing.

If you’re planning to cook with the brie, it may not need to be fully defrosted before using. Some recipes call to crumble frozen brie directly into preparation for convenience. Alternatively, freezing brie in slices allows you to pull out just the amount you need without thawing the entire block of cheese.

Remember that brie requires more effort to freeze and thaw properly compared to firmer styles like ricotta, blue cheese or feta. Bearing this in mind, freezing brie is a suitable option if you’re prepared to patiently thaw it in the fridge before enjoying. With the right approach, you can freeze brie to store it longer while still preparing and consuming it responsibly. Proper storage and handling helps brie maintain its celebrated creamy texture, whether fresh or frozen.

RELATED: Can You Freeze Halloumi


NutrientAmount per 1oz (28g) serving
Saturated Fat10g
Calcium100 mg (10% DV)

Brie cheese is known for its rich and creamy texture and flavor, but how does it stack up nutritionally? While it may be high in fat and calories, brie also contains important vitamins and minerals. The majority of these come from its fat content, which provides around 16 grams per serving. However, brie is also a good source of protein and calcium. It contains approximately 6 grams of protein to support muscle and tissue function. Additionally, brie provides over 10% of the Daily Value for calcium per serving. This crucial mineral is essential for bone health and various cellular processes. With a moderate portion, brie can fittingly be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet while providing valuable nutritional components.


It’s important to note that unlike many other types of cheese, brie has a relatively short shelf life, especially if left unrefrigerated. When kept at room temperature, how long does cheese last unrefrigerated can vary significantly depending on the variety. In general, soft cheeses like brie should not be left out of refrigeration for more than 1–2 hours.

Storage Times for Various Cheeses

TypeCheeseShelf life (after opening)
SoftCottage Cheese7 days
HardCheddar3–4 weeks
SoftMozzarella7 days
HardColby3–4 weeks
SoftBrie7 days
HardGouda3–4 weeks
HardParmesan3–4 weeks
SoftFeta7 days
SoftRicotta3–4 weeks
HardShredded3–4 weeks
SoftGoat7 days
SoftCream Cheese7 days
HardSwiss3–4 weeks
HardAmerican7 days

My Final Thoughts

Proper refrigeration is key to maximizing the shelf life of brie cheese. With careful storage and consumption within date guidelines, those wanting to savor brie’s rich creaminess can plan to enjoy it regularly. However, pushing past expiration does raise food safety risks. With the right handling, brie offers a pleasurable addition to many a meal when fresh.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to determine if brie cheese has spoiled

If your brie shows signs like unpleasant or strong ammonia smell, discoloration, slimy or sticky texture, or mold growth, it has likely spoiled.

What occurs after consuming expired brie

Consuming expired brie could lead to food poisoning, with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain or cramping, and fever.

Does brie cheese spoil in the refrigerator?

Brie stored in the refrigerator spoils more slowly, especially if tightly wrapped in an airtight container. However, it will eventually spoil if left in the fridge too long.

How long does opened brie stay fresh in the fridge?

Once opened, brie typically stays fresh in the refrigerator for 5 to 7 days if properly stored.

Can you consume brie past its expiration date?

It’s not recommended to consume brie past the expiration date, as this might lead to food poisoning or an unpleasant taste.

Is ammonia-scented brie safe to eat?

A mild ammonia scent in brie is normal, especially in aged varieties. However, an overpowering ammonia smell indicates the brie is spoiled and should not be consumed.

Can cheese go bad without mold?

Cheese can certainly lose flavour over time without mould growth visible on the outside. Softer varieties are more prone to developing off-flavours if left in the fridge too long.

Does cheese expire if unopened?

Hard cheese can typically be stored unopened in the refrigerator for 3–6 months, while soft/spreadable cheeses only last 1–2 weeks once opened.

How long is uncut brie good for?

Uncut brie stored in the refrigerator is good, to consume within a few days. If sliced, it should be eaten within 3–4 days. Unopened brie can also be frozen for up to 6 months.

What to do with old brie?

Slightly past-date brie can often still be used in cooking applications like grilled cheese sandwiches or fondue.

Whisk and Nibble

Whisk & Nibble is a blog devoted to all things related to food - from sharing recipes for meals and drinks to highlighting the latest dessert trends and culinary lifestyle content. Visitors can find ideas and inspiration for all eating occasions while enjoying engaging writing about food culture. Whisk & Nibble aims to bring readers together over the shared joy of cooking and dining.

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